Infinite Craft là một trò chơi chế tạo dựa trên logic, thách thức game thủ tạo ra nhiều thứ nhất có thể với các nguyên liệu cơ bản, từ những yếu tố đơn giản đến các cấu trúc, ý tưởng và khái niệm phức tạp.
Đúng như tên gọi của nó, người chơi có thể tạo ra vô số thứ khi tiếp tục mở khóa các thành phần mới và kết hợp chúng với các thành phần cũ hơn. Mặc dù không thể liệt kê các kết hợp vô hạn, nhưng bài viết này sẽ cung cấp công thức chế tạo thú vị nhất và được tìm kiếm nhiều nhất trong Infinite Craft.
Trong trò chơi Infinite Craft mới, mọi người bắt đầu chỉ với Water, Fire, Wind, Earth và phải kết hợp các nguyên tố này bằng cách nhấp vào chúng. Người chơi cũng có thể kéo hai vật phẩm giống nhau lại với nhau để tạo ra thứ gì đó mới mẻ, chẳng hạn như kết hợp Tree với Tree để tạo thành Forest.
Vật phẩm | Nguyên liệu 1 | Nguyên liệu 2 |
Abominable Snowman | Water | Yeti |
Adam | Mud | Venus |
Africa | Continent | Swamp |
Air Conditioner | Cold | Engine |
Aircraft Carrier | Battleship | Battleship |
Airship | Steampunk Pirate | Wind |
Alchemist | Philosopher | Fire |
Alfred | Batman | Wisdom |
Alien | Lava Lamp | Lunar |
Allergy | Pollen | Surf |
Aloha | Hawaii | Leaf |
Alpha | Wolf | Wolf Pack |
Amazon | Jungle | River |
Amber | Cologne | Fossil |
America | Rainbow | Continent |
Ammonite | Fossil | Roll |
Android | Software | Planet |
Angel | Incense | Prayer |
Anime | Japan | America |
Animal Kingdom | Zoo | Disney |
Anniversary | Birthday | Marriage |
Antarctica | Continent | Ice |
Antique | Vintage | Time |
Ape | Monkey | Monkey |
Apocalypse | God | Nuke |
Apollo | Flag | Moon |
Apple | Fruit | Adam |
Apple Juice | Apple | Rain |
Apple Pie | Fruit Tree | America |
Area | Number | Land |
Argentina | Country | Messi |
Ariel | Whale | Vase |
Army | People | Gun |
Arnold Schwarzenegger | Terminator | Weed |
Arsonist | Stalker | Fire |
Art | Drawing | Mountain |
Artificial Intelligence | Technology | Art |
Asia | Ash | Continent |
Ash | Fire | Tree |
Assassin | King | Gun |
Atheism | Sadness | Religion |
Atheist | Atheism | Human |
Atlantis | Island | Ocean |
Atlas | Titan | Earth |
Australia | Continent | Surf |
Avalanche | Wind | Mountain |
Baby | Family | Human |
Baby Dinosaur | Dinosaur | Egg |
Baby Lovebird | Lovebird | Lovebird |
Baby Polar Bear | Polar Bear | Polar Bear |
Bacon | Pig | Fire |
Baconator | Volcano | Bacon |
Baconcorn | Bacon | Unicorn |
Baconasaurus | Baconcorn | T-Rex |
Baconasaurus Rex | Baconasaurus | Baconasaurus |
Bacon Zeus | Baconasaurus | Zeus |
Balloon | Wind | Wine |
Banana Boat | Banana | Ship |
Banana Split | Banana | Banana |
Bankrupt | Titanic | Money |
Bar | Drunk | Money |
Barackasaurus | Dinosaur | Obama |
Barbecue | Fire | Pork |
Bat | Black | Vampire |
Batman | Bat | Bat |
Battle | War | War |
Battleship | Tank | Ship |
Bear | Cubs | Cubs |
Beard | Hair | Hair |
Beauty and the Beast | Beauty | King Kong |
Beehive | Honeycomb | Honeycomb |
Bellini | Peach | Rum |
Berserker | Viking | Monster |
Best Friend | Friend | Friend |
Big Bang | Time | Universe |
Bigfoot | Golem | Loch Ness Monster |
Bionic Bud | Cyborg | Weed |
Bird | Kite | Flying |
Birthday Cake | Cake | Cake |
Bitcoin | Cryptocurrency | Crown |
Blackbear | Pirate Ship | Time Travel |
Black Hole | Galaxy | Galaxy |
Blizzard | Snow | Wind |
Boat | Water | Tractor |
Bog | Swamp | Swamp |
Bomb | Explosion | Energy |
Bonsai | Japan | Tree |
Book | Paper | Paper |
Bookshelf | Book | Book |
Bottle | Wine | Future |
Bowser | Mario | Napoleon Complex |
Bowser Jr. | Bowser | Baby |
Boulder | Godzilla | Rock |
Bouquet | Garden | Flower |
Box | Pandora | Beauty |
Brazil | South America | Continent |
Bread | Wheat | Food |
Breadstick | Bread | Star |
Breakfast | Egg | Bacon |
Bride | Wedding | Beauty |
Brownies | Mud | Chocolate |
Bullet | Glass | Train |
Burnt Toast | Toast | Fire |
Butter | Toast | Oil |
C-3PO | Lightsaber | Robot |
Cactus | Desert | Plant |
Cake | Butter | Egg |
Cannon | Fire | Ship |
Cannonball | Fire | Cannon |
Captain Hook | Pirate | Dragon |
Castle | House | War |
Cave | Bear | Earth |
Cheetah | Leopard | Leopard |
Chef | Egg | Omelete |
Chest | Pirate | Treasure |
China | Chinese | Island |
Chinese | Asia | Human |
Chocolate | Mud | Rainforest |
Christmas Tree | Pine | Battery |
Chuck Norris | Serial Killer | Vomit |
Clay | Mud | Mud |
Cloud | Wind | Steam |
Coin | Mud | Metal |
Cologne | Alcohol | Perfume |
Computer | System | Fire |
Confucius | Book | Chinese |
Continent | Island | Island |
Cough | Pencil | Sick |
Cough Syrup | Cough | Alcohol |
Crocodile | Swamp | Tank |
Crocopig | Crocodile | Pig |
Cryptozoology | Loch Ness Monster | Bigfoot |
Cubs | Lion | Lioness |
Cuddly | Teddy Bear | Cheetah |
Cupid | Vase | Pegasus |
Darth Vader | Light Saber | Dragon |
Death | Life | Vampire |
Death Note | Death | Anime |
Death Star | Star Wars | Planet |
Defenstration | Vomit | Window |
Dengue | Mosquito | Egg |
Desert | Sand | Sand |
Dinosaur | Rainbow | Fossil |
Divorce | Marriage | Love |
Doctor | Sickness | Wisdom |
Donkey | Kong | Oil |
Drawing | Pencil | Earth |
Dracula | Vampire | Earth |
Dragon | Swamp | Fire |
Dragon Ball | Goku | Asia |
Dragon Ball Z | Fight | Anime |
Dragon Ball Z Kai | Dragon Ball Z | Time |
Dragonborn | Splitting Pains | Dragon |
Dust | Wind | Earth |
Eclipse | Sun | Open |
Egg | Dinosaur | Dinosaur |
Electric Guitar | Lightning | Music |
Electricity | Windmill | Wind |
Energy | Windmill | Fire |
Engine | Steam | Fire |
Eruption | Wind | Volcano |
Emo | Mermaid | Goth |
Eternity | Time | Europe |
Europe | Fjord | Continent |
Eurovision | Japan | Europe |
Excalibur | Mud | Sword |
Eve | Adam | Venus |
Evolution | Theory | Time |
Social | Network | |
Family | Human | Human |
Farm | Tractor | Earth |
Fertility | Magic | Soil |
Field | Farm | Earth |
Fight | Battle | War |
Figure Skating | Ice Skating | Itchy |
Finland | Eurovision | Win |
Fire Bird | Phoenix | Volcano |
Fire Flower | Fireball | Plant |
Fire King | Fireman | King |
Fire Trap | Fire Trap | Venus Flytrap |
Fire Truck | Firefighter | Firefighter |
Fire Queen | Fire King | Marriage |
Fireball | Fire | Fire Trap |
Firefighter | Arsonist | Mirror |
Fireman | Doctor | Arsonist |
Fireplace | Fire | Bush |
Fish | Water | Ocean |
Fishbowl | Water | Fish |
Fjord | Lake | Mountain |
Flower | Plant | Rain |
Flying | Kite | Wind |
Flying Horse | Wind | Pegasus |
Fog | Water | Smoke |
Food | Farmer | Plant |
Fool | Stupid | King |
Football | Dust Bowl | Mud |
Forest | Mountain | Tree |
Fossil | Plant | Stone |
France | Napoleon Bonaparte | Land |
Frankenstein | Swamp | Electricity |
Freedom | America | Rainbow |
Fridge | Cold | Metal |
Friend | Like | |
Frog | Fish | Swamp |
Frog Prince | Kermit | Cupid |
Frogger | Frog | Truck |
Frost Dragon | Cold | Ice Dragon |
Fruit | Sun | Tree |
Fruit Tree | Fruit | Fruit |
Future | Time | Elon Musk |
Garden | Love | Earth |
Galaxy | Star | Star |
Germany | Berlin | Dust |
Ghost | Grave | Human |
Gift | Book | Wrapper |
Girlfriend | Best Friend | Love |
Glass | Obsidian | Steam |
God | Universe | Eternity |
Godzilla | Dinosaur | Japan |
Gohan | Goku | Mountain |
Goku | Dragon Ball Z | Anime |
Gold Bar | Pot of Gold | Pot of Gold |
Gold Ingot | Gold Bar | Gold Bar |
Golem | Swamp | Zombie |
Goth | Black | Passion |
Gotham | Batman | Castle |
Grave | Tomb | Love |
Graveyard | Cemetary | Cemetary |
Greatsword | Longsword | Longsword |
Grim Reaper | Death | Death |
Gun | Weapon | Destruction |
Hacker | Internet | Computer |
Hangover | Alcohol | Fog |
Hangwish | Hangover | Wish |
Hammerhead | Shark | Pork |
Harp | Angel | Music |
Harry Potter | Owl | Pegasus |
Hatsune Miku | Android | J-pop |
Hawaii | Island | Volcano |
Hawaii Five-O | Napoleon Complex | Hawaii |
Heart | Cupid | Cupid |
Heartbreak | Death | Love |
Hercules | Hydra | Zeus |
Hex | Curse | Curse |
Hexagon | Hex | Hex |
Hibernation | Bear | Cave |
Hippocampus | Sea | Flying Horse |
Hive | Bee | Bee |
Hole | Black Hole | Earth |
Homer | Simpson | Family |
Honey | Bee | Star |
Honeycomb | Honey | Prison |
Hot Spring | Cold | Geyser |
House | Wall | Brick |
Human | Rebirth | Zombie |
Human | Adam | Eve |
Hummingbird | Bird | Bee |
Hydra | Dragon | Monster |
Ice | Snow | Water |
Ice Cream | Popsicle | Popsicle |
Ice Cream Cone | Ice Cream | Ice Cream |
Ice Dragon | Cold | Dragon |
Iceberg | Titan | Water |
Iceland | Fjord | Volcano |
Igloo | Island | Ice |
Incense | Plant | Smoke |
IPod | Walkman | Music |
Iran | Country | Caspian Sea |
Ireland | Potato | Country |
Italy | Pizza | Country |
Island | Ocean | Earth |
Jack Sparrow | Sunflower | Pirate |
Jail | Prison | Prisoner |
Jail Break | Jail | Bomb |
Jailbird | Bird | Prison |
Japan | Continent | Tea |
J-pop | Japan | Electric Guitar |
Jedi | Star Wars | Lightsaber |
Jedi Pig | Lightsaber | Pig |
Jelly | Peanut Butter | Park |
Jellyfish | Jelly | Island |
Jesus | Church | Son |
Jet | Plane | Plane |
Jungle | Rainforest | Rainforest |
Kaleidoscope | Mirror | Mirror |
Kamehameha | Goku | Water |
Kanye West | Rapper | Church |
Karma | Punishment | Rat |
Kelp | Plant | Seaweed |
Kermit | Miss Piggy | Fight |
Kindle | Amazon | Computer |
King | Palace | Stupid |
King Kong | Godzilla | Dinosaur |
Kite | China | Wind |
Knight | Robot | Paladin |
Knight Rider | Lightsaber | Car |
Knowledge | Owl | Unicorn |
Kraken | Sea Serpent | Pirate |
Kung Fu | Goku | Chinese |
Lake | Water | Water |
Landslide | Earth | Avalanche |
Laser | Lightning | Bullet |
Lava | Fire | Earth |
Lava Lamp | Lava | Lamp |
Leaf | Wind | Tree |
Lebanon | Cedar | Country |
Lego | Star Wars | Brick |
Lens | Fire | Glass |
Leopard | Lion | Tiger |
Leopard Bear | Leopard | Teddy Bear |
Leprechaun | Pot of Gold | Warrior |
Lesbian | Pride Month | Girl |
Letter | Mailbox | |
Life | Venus | Steam |
Lighthouse | Lake | Stone |
Lightning | Fire | Cloud |
Lightsaber | Laser | Sword |
Like | Meme | |
Lily | Flower | Water |
Lion | Zebra | Fire |
Lioness | Lion | Love |
Loch Ness | Swamp | Island |
Loch Ness Monster | Swamp | Monster |
Longsword | Sword | Sword |
Lotus | Lily | Flower |
Love | Mermaid | Prince |
Lovebird | Parrot | Cupid |
Luffy | One Piece | Monkey |
Lunar | Moon | Lily |
Lunch Lady | Woman | Lunch |
Madden | Computer | Football |
Mafia | New York | Family |
Magic | Wizard | Witch |
Mailbox | Postman | Postman |
Man | Adam | Earth |
Manga | Book | Japan |
Mangrove | Tree | Swamp |
Mangrove | Donkey Kong | Screen |
Mario Bros | Super Mario | Luigi |
Mario Kart | Mario | Yoshi |
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe | Mario Kart | Mario Kart |
Marriage | Wedding | Love |
Mars | Planet | Chocolate |
Math | Tree | Number |
Mathematician | Human | Number |
Medusa | Mirror | Stone |
Megalodon | Shark | North America |
Meme | Mold | Internet |
Mermaid | Donkey | Sea |
Messi | Soccer | Dust |
Metal | Rock | Oxygen |
Meteor | Planet | Rock |
Metronome | Music | Clock |
Mexico | Desert | North America |
Micronesia | Country | Micro |
Microscope | Lens | Swamp |
Milk | Toilet | Cow |
Milky Way | Solar System | Fjord |
Mine | Iron | Mountain |
Minotaur | Centaur | Animal |
Mirage | Desert | Ocean |
Mirror | Glass | Obsidian |
Miss Piggy | Pig | Beauty |
Missile | Countdown | Drone |
Mist | Swamp | Wind |
Mistress | Woman | Mafia |
Mold | Virus | Rain |
Money | Treasure | Time |
Monkey | Jungle | Dust |
Monkey Wrench | Monkey | Wrench |
Monster | Loch Ness | Wind |
Monster Truck | Tractor | Swamp |
Moon | Earth | Reflection |
Moonstone | Moon | Stone |
Morning | Hangover | Night |
Mosquito | Swamp | Bee |
Mother-in-law | Woman | Terror |
Mountain | Earth | Earth |
Mouse | Garden | Cheese |
Movie | Popcorn | Love |
Mrs. Claus | Santa | Bride |
Mud | Steam | Earth |
Mud Bowl | Dust Bowl | Mud |
Muddy Pig | Mud | Crocopig |
Mule | Donkey | Farm |
Multiverse | Universe | Universe |
Mummy | Human | Dust |
Music | Rock | Roll |
Napoleon | Europe | Time Machine |
Napoleon Bonaparte | Napoleon Dynamite | Star |
Napoleon Complex | Napoleon Bonaparte | Paradox |
Napoleon Dynamite | Big Bang | Napoleon |
Narhwal | Fish | Unicorn |
Naruto | Anime | Ninja |
Nepal | Asia | Mount Everest |
Nessie | Loch Ness Monster | Smoke |
Netflix | Cinema | YouTube |
Netherlands | Windmill | Country |
Network | Internet | System |
New York | State of Liberty | House |
New Zealand | Rugby | Country |
Newton | Apple | Karma |
Night | Moon | Flower |
Nile | River | Reef |
Ninja | China | Warrior |
North America | Continent | America |
North Korea | Nuclear | Country |
Norway | Fjord | Country |
Nuclear | TV | Nuke |
Nuke | Missile | Death |
Number | Count | Count |
Nut | Squirrel | Sun |
Oasis | Desert | Water |
Obama | Politician | Hawaii |
Obsidian | Stone | Lava |
Ocean | Water | Lake |
Octave | Music | Number |
Odin | God | Divorce |
Odysseus | Odyssey | Homer |
Odysseus Rex | Odysseus | T-Rex |
Odyssey | Homer | Book |
Oedipus | Oedipus Rex | Tragedy |
Oedipus Rex | Odysseus Rex | Tragedy |
Oink | Pig | Mirror |
Olympus | Zeus | Mountain |
Omega | Alpha | War |
Omelet | Pancake | Egg |
One Piece | Pirate | Anime |
Open | Window | Perfume |
Oreo | Snake | Cookie |
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit | Mickey Mouse | Rabbit |
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit With a Gun | Oswald the Lucky Rabbit | Weapon |
Otaku | Anime | Computer |
Oven | Fireplace | Stone |
Owl | Bird | Flashlight |
Owlfish | Owl | Fish |
Paganini | Violin | YouTube |
Palace | House | Oasis |
Paladin | Palm | Spell |
Palm | Desert | Tree |
Palm Tree | Palm | Everything |
Pancake | Breakfast | Cake |
Panda | Black | Pig |
Pandora | Panda | Beauty |
Pandapig | Panda | Pig |
Pangaea | Continent | Continent |
Paparazzi | Stalker | Movie |
Paper | Tree | Wood |
Paradox | Multiverse | Time Travel |
Park | Garden | Garden |
Parrot | Bird | Garden |
Party | Best Friend | Music |
Passion | Love | Fire |
Peace | Flag | Yin Yang |
Peach | Mario | Princess |
Pegasus | Unicorn | Wind |
People | Land | Pop |
Pencil | Ash | Tree |
Penguin | Antartica | Island |
Perfume | Incense | Water |
Peru | Country | Machu Picchu |
Peter Griffin | Baconator | Quaqmire |
Peter Pan | Captain Hook | Fire |
Philosopher | Squirrel | Wisdom |
Philosophy | Wisdom | Music |
Phoenix | Bird | Fire |
Phone | Newspapwer | Number |
Phone Number | Girlfriend | Number |
Pidgeot | Plane | Pokemon |
Pi | Infinity | Number |
Pie | Apple | America |
Pie Fight | Apple Pie | Fight |
Pig | Rainbow | Mud |
Piglet | Pig | Pig |
Pigpen | Mud | Pig |
Pikachu | Pokémon | Anime |
Pikasushi | Pikachu | Sushi |
Pilot | Plane | Human |
Pina Colada | Alcohol | Pineapple |
Pine | Smell | Forest |
Pineapple | Hawaii | Plant |
Piranha | Goldfish | Swamp |
Piranha Plant | Flag | Venus Flytrap |
Pirate | Ship | Dragon |
Pitcher of Lemonade | Lemonade | Lemonade |
Pizza | New York | Food |
Plane | Bird | Flying |
Planet | Earth | Dust |
Plant | Water | Earth |
Playboy | Man | Rabbit |
Pluto | Napoleon Complex | Planet |
Poem | Bird | Song |
Pokémon | Anime | Fish |
Politician | Bankrupt | Businessman |
Pollen | Dust | Plant |
Polly | Parrot | Fireman |
Pollywag | Tornado | Polly |
Pop | Fire | Balloon |
Popcorn | Butter | Toast |
Pope | Catholic | Rich |
Popsicle | Jelly | Ice |
Pork Pie | Pig | Pie |
Port | Water | Village |
Postman | Owl | Harry Potter |
Pot | Vase | Vase |
Pot of Gold | Rainbow | Treasure |
Pottery | Clay | House |
Prayer | Incense | Smoke |
Prayer Water | Prayer | Water |
Pregnant | Tinkerbell | Fertility |
Present | Gift | Gift |
Pride | Lion | Lion |
Pride Month | Pride | Calendar |
Prince | Frog | Cupid |
Princess | Mule | Beauty |
Prison | Night | Sentence |
Prisoner | Squirrel | Prison |
Prison Break | Prison | Tsunami |
Prison Cake | Cake | Jail |
Prometheus | Titan | Fire |
Psalm | Hymn | Number |
Psychopath | Sicko | Love |
Pteranodon | Pterodactyl | Pterodactyl |
Pterodactyl | Bird | Dinosaur |
Quagmire | Swamp | Mud |
Queen | Princess | Crown |
Quicksand | Cloud Trap | Mud |
Animal | Animal | Dandelion |
Race | Chariot | Driver |
Racecar | Car | Engine |
Radiation | Toxic | Number |
Radio | Microscope | Wave |
Radio Tower | Radio | Radio |
Radio Waves | Radio Tower | Water |
Rain | Cloud | Earth |
Rainbow | Rain | Fire |
Rainbow Bear | Rainbow | Polar Bear |
Rainforest | Rain | Forest |
Rally | Mud | Car |
Rambo | Captain | Machine Gun |
Rap | Rapper | Music |
Rapper | Human | DJ |
Rapunzel | Princess | Ruin |
Rat | Subway | City |
Recession | Politician | Depression |
Reef | Coral | Coral |
Reflection | Mirror | Ghost |
Relativity | Einstein | Theory |
Relic | Antique | Time |
Retirement | Firefighter | Time |
Revenge | Sandwich | Karma |
Riot | Rally | Fire |
Rising Sun | Flag | Japan |
Roblox | Fortnite | Program |
Roll | Sushi | Seaweed |
Roman | Mars | Number |
Ronin | Samurai | Ninja |
Rose | Flower | Beauty |
Roulette | Gambler | Casino |
Ruin | Rain | Sandcastle |
Rum | Bottle | Pirate |
Rust | Car | Ash |
Sadness | Crying | Broken Heart |
Safari | Zoo | Zoo |
Sage | Philosopher | Wisdom |
Sail | Wind | Ship |
Sailor Moon | Anime | Frankenstein |
Santa | Christmas | Elder |
Sasuke | Ninja | Sword |
Saiyan | Goku | Flower |
Saiyan | Japan | Warrior |
Sand | Dust | Dust |
Sandbox | Desert | Software |
Sandcastle | Beach | Sand |
Sandstorm | Desert | Storm |
Santa | Christmas | Cookie |
Sarcophagus | Mummy | Mummy |
Sashimi | Sushi | Rain |
Sasquatch | Bigfoot | Swamp |
Satellite | Earth | Radio Waves |
Scales | Justice | Stones |
Science | Hourglass | Microscope |
Score | Game | Number |
Scratch | Jack | Itchy |
Screen | Computer | Glass |
Seadragon | Meteor | Seahorse |
Sea Monster | Water | Monster |
Sea Serpent | Water | Dragon |
Seaweed | Fish | Plant |
Sentence | Word | Word |
Serbia | Volleyball | Country |
Serial Killer | Stalker | Psychopath |
Server | Computer | Computer |
Shark | Surfer | Sea |
Shark Tank | Shark | Oil |
Ship | Water | Island |
Shrek | Dengue | Vacation |
Sickness | Divorce | Sick |
Sicko | Movie | Sick |
Silver Bullet | Werewolf | Gun |
Simpson | Family | Anime |
Singapore | Lion | Country |
Siren | Mermaid | Bacon |
Skeeter | Mosquito | Seaweed |
Skyscraper | Empire State Building | House |
Slingshot | Weapon | Stone |
Slushie | Jelly | Snow |
Smell | Perfume | Steam |
Smile | Sun | Mushroom |
Smoke | Wind | Fire |
Smoker | Cigarette | Smoke |
Sneeze | Allergy | Wind |
Sniper | Gun | Telescope |
Snow | Avalanche | Steam |
Snowman | Rain | Yeti |
Soccer | Football | Football |
Social | Network | Internet |
Socrates | Wisdom | Squirrel |
Software | System | Computer |
Soggy Bread | Toaster | Water |
Soil | Earth | Ash |
Solar | Sun | Fire |
Solar Flare | Solar Wind | Fire |
Solar Panel | Sun | Electricity |
Solar System | Sun | Galaxy |
Solar Wind | Solar System | Wind |
Song | Radio | Music |
Sorbet | Fruit | Ice |
Sourpuss | Lemon | Owl |
South Africa | Cape Town | Africa |
South America | North America | Pangaea |
South Korea | Country | South |
Spain | Sand | Europe |
Spell | Curse | Hex |
Sphinx | Sand | Kraken |
Splitting Pains | Divorce | Window |
Square | Area | Number |
Squid | Kraken | Water |
Squidward | Squid | Tourist |
Squirrel | Tree | Mouse |
Stalker | Psychopath | Love |
Star | Planet | Planet |
Star Wars | Star | Lightsaber |
Statue | America | Stone |
Statue of Liberty | Lighthouse | Boulder |
Steam | Water | Fire |
Steam Engine | Steam | Scales |
Steam Sphinx | Steam Engine | Sphinx |
Steampunk | Planet | Steam |
Steampunk Pirate | Ocean | Steampunk |
Steampunk Pirate Ship | Steam | Steampunk Pirate |
Steampunk Plant | Steampunk Pirate | Plant |
Steampunk Tree | Steampunk Plant | Smoke |
Steel | Iron | Iron |
Sticky Note | Glue | Technology |
Stone | Earth | Lava |
Stonehenge | Steampunk Pirate Ship | Stone |
Storm | Rain | Wind |
Stripes | Tiger | Love |
Stupid | Donkey | Cupid |
Subscribe | YouTube | Heart |
Subway | Steam | Train |
Sumo | Sushi | Fight |
Sun | Star | Fire |
Sunflower | Sun | Flower |
Sunrise | Morning | Mountain |
Superman | Goku | America |
Supernova | Planet | Robot |
Super Mario | Mario | Luigi |
Super Mario Bros | Super Mario | Mario Bros |
Super Mario Bros 2 | Super Mario Bros | Super Mario Bros |
Super Mario Bros 3 | Super Mario Bros | Super Mario Bros 2 |
Super Mario World | Super Mario Bros | Super Mario Bros 3 |
Super Mario 3D World | Super Mario Bros | Super Mario World |
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury | Super Mario Bros | Super Mario 3D World |
Super Potion | Herbs | Water |
Super Saiyan | Goku | Dragon Ball Z |
Surf | Steam | Wave |
Surfboard | Surfer | Surfer |
Surfer | Tsunami | Pilot |
Surfing | Surfer | Surfboard |
Sushi | Mountain | Seaweed |
Swag | Flag | Cool |
Swamp | Lake | Earth |
Sweden | Cool | Europe |
Sweet Talk | Chocolate | Politician |
Sweep | Broom | Number |
Switzerland | Country | Mountain |
Sword | Blade | Blade |
System | Planet | Solar |
T-1000 | Terminator | Weapon |
T-Rex | Death | Dinosaur |
T-Rump | T-Rex | Trump |
Tangled | Shrek | Rapunzel |
Tango | Dance | Number |
Tank | Ship | Tractor |
Tank Truck | Monster Truck | Tank |
Tarzan | Jungle | Book |
Taxi | New York | Car |
Tea | Plant | Steam |
Teapot | Tea | Earth |
Tearjerker | Tears | Book |
Tears | Heartbreak | Human |
Tea-zilla | Godzilla | Tea |
Technology | Science | Science |
Teddy Bear | Love | Bear |
Teddy Lion | Teddy Bear | Lion |
Teleportation Device | Technology | Magic |
Telescope | Moonstone | Window |
Tempest | Storm | Tea |
Terminator | Robot | Relic |
Terrorist | Bomb | Freedom |
Tesla | Car | Electricity |
Tesla Tower | Tesla | Tesla |
Thailand | Asia | Beach |
Thanksgiving | Turkey | Honey |
Theater | Movie | Popcorn |
Theory | Einstein | Dust |
Therapist | Doctor | Devil |
Thor | Odin | Cosmos |
Thunder | Lightning | Beauty |
Thunderstorm | Thunder | Storm |
Tiger | Tiger Lily | Love |
Tiger Lily | Earth | Captain Hook |
Time | Paradox | Time Paradox |
Timebomb | Clock | Bomb |
Time Machine | Wormhole | Time Travel |
Time Paradox | Black Hole | Time Travel |
Time Travel | Black Hole | Wormhole |
Tinder | Love | Technology |
Tinkerbell | Peter Pan | Earth |
Titan | Kraken | Earth |
Titanic | Iceberg | Boat |
Toast | Breakfast | Fire |
Toaster | Robot | Bread |
Toilet | Venus Flytrap | Clean |
Tokyo | Godzilla | Island |
Tomb | Mummy | Earth |
Tool | Earth | Monkey Wrench |
Tornado | Wind | Wind |
Tornadroll | Troll | Tornado |
Tourist | Vacation | Statue |
Town | Village | Village |
Tractor | Mud | Engine |
Tragedy | Sadness | Book |
Train | Steam | Engine |
Transformer | Flag | Robot |
Transistor | Engine | Radio |
Treasure | Pirate | Earth |
Treasure Map | Map | Pencil |
Tree | Earth | Plant |
Tree of Knowledge | Tree of Life | Universe |
Tree of Life | Tree | Universe |
Treebeard | Ent | Beard |
Troll | Earth | Monster |
Truck | Box | Car |
Trump | America | Drunk |
Trumpet | Trump | Parrot |
Trump Cake | Trump | Cake |
Trump Tower | Trump | New York |
Trump Village | Trump Tower | Village |
Trump Wall | Trump Tower | Wall |
Tsunami | Water | Tornado |
Tumbleweed | Kelp | Dust Storm |
Turkey (bird) | Bird | Christmas |
Turkey (country) | Country | Istanbul |
Tutankhamun | Mummy | Egypt |